At last some photos of the yellow jersey! For all those thousands of fans (har dee har har) that have been waiting with baited breath, here they are at last! What a hassle to get them, though. My computer suddenly, for no fathomable reason, refuses to read the memory card and doesn't recognise the camera when plugged in to a USB port. I don't know what's going on and worse, my warranty has just run out so I can't even phone someone to ask without incurring vast charges. So I'm doing this on my daughter's computer which isn't half as much fun, I confess. (It's a laptop and I'm not that good on the keyboard so all this is taking hours....)
This is a lovely and warm jersey - the colour is quite golden and delicious for these grey November days |
I think I did a very neat job on this! (For a better idea of the colour, check the next two photos as they are much brighter...) |
You can't even see the error on the neck! |
The heart pattern makes a very plain jersey quite pretty, I thought! |
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